It does not replaces or duplicates the function of sources package peazip-x.y.z.src, as it is simply meant to help packaging the application for a specific distribution system, rather than compiling and building the binaries of the application. The application provides an unified, natively portable, cross-platform file manager and archive manager GUI for many Open Source technologies like 7-Zip, FreeArc, PAQ, UPX. DEB, RPM), containing packages' directories from last build. New peazip-x.y.z.pack package is meant to help developers to create packages of PeaZip for various package management systems (e.g. On Linux, 7z backend replaces p7zip, which is still fully supported as alternative. PeaZip now comes with updated backends: Pea 1.05, and 7z 21.06, which is now employed on all platform.

This release brings fixes, improvements in management of temporary files, option to stop test batches only if errors are detected, and new language selection control.Ī new alternative benchmark is available, based on integer and floating point arithmetic, testing single core and multi core performances. PeaZip 8.4.0 is the first release providing experimental native packages for Darwin / macOS platform, built for aarch64 M1 Apple Silicon SoC, and Intel x86_64.